Friday 11 March 2016

the Recognizing the Protection of Motorsports Act of 2016, Congress is moving to stop the idiots in the EPA

Congress has introduced a bipartisan bill that would protect race car enthusiasts from the EPA’s latest effort to prohibit the conversion of street vehicles into race cars. Known as the RPM Act, the Recognizing the Protection of Motorsports Act of 2016 was drafted to ensure that turning street vehicles into race cars driven exclusively in competition does not violate the Clean Air Act.

According to the National Speedway Directory, there are over 1,300 racetracks operating across the U.S., including oval, road, track and off-road racetracks. If the EPA regulations were to be finalized, the impact on racers, racetracks and businesses that cater to the racer community would be substantial.

 Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine :

While the federal Clean Air Act prohibits certain modifications to everyday motor vehicles used on public roads, statutory language and the EPA’s historic practice have made it clear that vehicles built or modified for racing purposes, and not used on public streets, are not regulated under the Clean Air Act. For example, 42 U.S.C. § 7550(2) limits the definition of a covered “motor vehicle” to a vehicle designed for transport “on a street or highway” as opposed to operation on a racetrack. Correspondingly, 42 U.S.C. § 7550(10) limits the term “nonroad engine” to an engine “that is not used in a motor vehicle or a vehicle used solely for competition,” while 42 U.S.C. § 7550(11) makes clear that the term “nonroad vehicle” also does not apply to “a motor vehicle or a vehicle used solely for competition.”

Congress did not make these choices by happenstance. It intended to differentiate between a vehicle covered by this sort of rule and “a vehicle used solely for competition.” In fact, the U.S. House Committee on Foreign and Interstate Commerce identified and discussed this issue before passing the Clean Air Act in 1970


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