Monday, 7 March 2016

Benz says Happy Birthday to BMW

 to explain the 30 year reference, it's because Benz was the 1st car maker, and it was alone for 30 years without competition from other German brands until BMW was created. (I am not validating that, just explaining the reference, as Porsche, Auto union, Horch, DKW, Wanderer, and the Italian car, and the french cars, etc etc were around before BMW) I presume they refer to a long lasting and admirable competition from another German car maker that competes on so many levels, from inexpensive, to million dollar cars.

Mercedes-Benz is marking their arch enemy’s one-century anniversary wishing them well and sending them an invitation: all BMW employees will benefit from free admission to the museum in Stuttgart, between 8-13th of March. All guests arriving in a car manufactured by the rivals will have a reserved parking spot, free of charge, as well.

Not many know, especially if they are not BMW enthusiasts, but the acronym stands for Bayerische Motorenwenke. The company was established exactly once century ago. March 7, 1916 is the date that went down in the history of BMW, marking the birth of the now world-famous brand


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